Ratermann Manufacturing, Inc. Customer Service 1-800-264-7793 y Fax 1-800-264-7797 y Order Online at Web Store www.rmiorder.com 10A-20 5-Second Leak Detectors are used for detecting leaks in pipe joints, tube connections, tanks, or any system under gas or air pressure. They are very easy to use. Simply wipe the surface to be tested with a brush or dauber, squirt on with a squeeze bottle, or spray with a trigger sprayer. Small leaks form white foam in 5 to 60 seconds. Large leaks form large bubbles almost instantly. TYPE CG For leak testing lines, cylinders and tanks carrying pure oxygen and compressed gases. BEST WAY TO USE PRODUCT For leak-testing small connections we recommend using squeeze or dauber-cap bottles. Finding small leaks on large surfaces, or a hard to reach location, the spray method using Winton trigger sprayers is the quickest and most efficient. At welded or riveted seams that might contain larger leaks apply the liquid slowly and evenly. Large leaks quickly form large bubbles. Small leaks form clusters of small bubbles that hold for 10 minutes or more. This is detection made sure and simple. Sherlock fluids contain no fatty acids or ammonia. Leak Detector All Temperature Leak Detector • All temperature formula: -55˚ to 200˚ F (-48˚ C to 93˚ C) • Ultra-sensitive, long-lasting bubbles • Florescent for improved visibility • Safe for oxygen • Non-corrosive, non-toxic 5 Second Leak Detector Compatible with all gases including oxygen at either low or high pressure Sherlock fluids are available in many easy-to-use sizes. • 8 ounce squeeze bottles • 8 ounce dauber bottles • single gallons packed 4 or 6 gallons per carton • 55 gallon drums • 5 gallon pails Rev: 8/30/19 Part # Description LD-8BOT-CG Sherlock CG Leak Detector, Ready-to-use, 8 oz Squeeze Bottle LD-CG-16OZ-TS Sherlock CG Leak Detector, Ready-to-Use, 16 oz Cylinder w/Trigger Spray LD-E-8DBOT Empty Bottle, Sherlock Leak Detector 8 oz Dauber Bottle with Cap LD-E-16OZ-TS Empty Bottle, Sherlock Leak Detector 16 oz Cylinder with Trigger Spray LD-CG-1GAL-C 1 Gallon – Concentrate (Add water to dilute) LD-CG-1GAL-R 1 Gallon – Regular LD-CG-5GAL-R Sherlock CG Leak Detector, Ready-To-Use, 5 Gallon LD-CG-55GAL-C 55 Gallon – Concentrate (Add water to dilute) Part # Description Size LC-FP Florescent Temp Leak Detector 1 Pint LEAK DETECTORS 5 SECOND & ALL TEMP DETECTOR DANGER: E XTREMELY FLAMMABL E GAS. MAY REACT EXPL OSIVELY EVE N IN THE ABS ENCE OF AIR AT ELEVATED PRESSURES A ND/OR TEMPERAT URE. CONTA INS GAS UN DER PRESSU RE; MAY EXPL ODE IF HEATED . MAY DISPLA CE OXYGEN AN D CAUSE RAPI D SUFFOCATIO N. MAY FORM EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES W ITH AIR. Do no t handle until al l safety precaut ions have bee n read and un derstood. Ke ep away fro m heat, open flam es, sparks, hot surfaces. – No s moking. Use and store only outd oors or in a we ll-ventilated p lace. Leaking gas fire: Do not extinguish, unl ess leak can be stopped safely. E liminate all igniti on sources if sa fe to do so. Dis pose of conte nts/containe r in accord ance with container su pplier/owner inst ructions. Use a back flow preve ntive device in t he piping. Fusi ble plugs in to p, bottom, o r valve melt at 98˚C to 107˚C ( 208˚F to 224˚F). D o not discharge at pressures above 15psi (103 kPa). Close valve afte r each use and when empty. Never put cylinders i nto unventilated a reas of passenge r vehicles. Prote ct from sunlight when ambient t emperature exceeds 52˚C (125˚F). Read and f ollow the Safety Da ta Sheet (SDS) before use. FIR ST AID: IF INH ALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep com fortable for breathin g. Get medical ad vice/attention. CAS: 74-86-2 DO NOT REM OVE THIS PRO DUCT LABEL. (R-K14) 113766 WARN ING: C ONTAI NS GAS UNDE R PRES SURE; MAY EX PLODE IF HEA TED. SUPPO RTS CO MBUSTI ON. Do not han dle until all safety precaut ions hav e been read a nd und erstood . Use a b ack flow preventiv e device i n the pip ing. Us e only equipment of compa tible ma terials o f constr uction a nd rated f or cylinder pressure. Close val ve after each use and whe n empty. Protect fro m sunlight when ambient temperatu re excee ds 52˚C (125˚F). Read and f ollow the Safety D ata Sheet (SDS) bef ore use. CAS : 13225 9-10-0 DO NOT R EMOVE T HIS PROD UCT LABE L. (R-K14) (R-K14) NON-FLAMMABLE GAS DANG ER: M AY CAU SE OR I NTENSIF Y FIRE; O XIDIZER. CONTAINS GAS UND ER PRESS URE; MAY EXPLO DE IF H EATED. Do not h andle unt il all safet y precauti ons have b een read an d understoo d. Keep and sto re away from clot hing and o ther combu stible mater ials. Keep valves and fittings free fro m grease and oil. Use and store only outdoors or in a well -ventilated place. In c ase of fire: Stop leak if safe to do so. Use a back flow pr eventive dev ice in the pip ing. Use onl y with equi pment of compatib le materials o f constructi on and rated for cylinder pressure. Us e only with equipmen t c leaned for ox ygen servi ce. Open val ve slowly. Clo se valve after each use and when emp ty. Protect from sunlight when ambien t temperatur e exceeds 5 2˚C (125˚F). Read and follow t he Safety Dat a Sheet (SDS) before use. CAS: 7782-4 4-7 DO NOT REMO VE THIS PR ODUCT LABEL. (R-K14) To Order Your Custom Print Gas Shoulder Labels See Section 7A OXYGEN 2 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED USP UN 1072 C.A.S. NO. 7782-44-7 DANGER: MAY CAUSE OR INTENSIFY FIRE; OXIDIZER. CONTAINS GAS UNDER PRESSURE; MAY EXPLODE IF HEATED. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Keep and store away from clothing and other combustible materials. Keep valves and fittings free from grease and oil. Use and store only outdoors or in a well-ventilated place. In case of fire: Stop leak if safe to do so. Use a back flow preventive device in the piping. Use only with equipment of compatible materials of construction and rated for cylinder pressure. Use only with equipment cleaned for oxygen service. Open valve slowly. Close valve after each use and when empty. Protect from sunlight when ambient temperature exceeds 52˚C (125˚F). Read and follow the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PRODUCT LABEL. WARNING: For emergency use only when administered by properly trained personnel for oxygen deficiency and resuscitation. For all other medical applications, Rx only. Uninterrupted use of high concentrations of oxygen over a long duration, without monitoring its effect on oxygen con- tent of arterial blood, may be harmful. Do not attempt to use on patients who have stopped breathing unless used in conjunction with resuscitative equipment. Produced by Air Liquefaction. Size Contents Size Contents M6 170 Liters E 6682 Liters C 248 Liters H 6910 Liters D 415 Liters Other Liters (R-K14) INDIANA OXYGEN COMPANY 6099 West Corporate Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-290-0003 COMPRESSED GASES, FLAMMABLE, N.O.S. UN1954 BIOLOGICAL ATMOSPHERE MIXTURE FOR CULTURE GROWTH. FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY. NOT FOR DRUG USE. NOT FOR INHALATION. DANGER: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE GAS. CONTAINS GAS UNDER PRESSURE; MAY EXPLODE IF HEATED. MAY DISPLACE OXYGEN AND CAUSE RAPID SUFFOCATION. MAY FORM EXPLOSIVE MIXTURES WITH AIR. BURNS WITH INVISIBLE FLAME. MIXTURES CONTAINING MORE THAN 5% CARBON DIOXIDE CAN INCREASE RESPIRATION AND HEART RATE. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Keep away from heat, open flames, sparks, hot surfaces. – No smoking. Use and store only outdoors or in a well-ventilated place. Leaking gas fire: Do not extinguish, unless leak can be stopped safely. Eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so. Use a back flow preventive device in the piping. Use only with equipment rated for cylinder pressure. Do not open valve until connected to equipment prepared for use. Close valve after each use and when empty. Store and use at temperature above 40˚F (4.4˚C). Return with at least 25 PSIG Pressure. Protect from sunlight when ambient temperature exceeds 52˚C (125˚F). Read and follow the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use. FIRST AID: IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Get medical advice/attention. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PRODUCT LABEL. CAS: HYDROGEN 1333-74-0, NITROGEN 7727-37-9, CARBON DIOXIDE 124-38-9 ANAEROBIC GAS MIXTURE FLAMMABLE GAS 2 (NITROGEN, HYDROGEN, CARBON DIOXIDE) West A ir West A ir 1-866-937-8247 2506 Market Street San Diego, CA 92102 www.westairgases.com (R-K14) 115199 Custom Print Gas Cylinder Labels • Industrial • Specialty Gas • Medical Gas • Cryogenics 5 Second & All Temperature Leak Detectors