INDEX Rev: 2/22/22, 1/27/22, 4/14/21, 3/24/21, 8/24/20 Ratermann Manufacturing, Inc. Customer Service 1-800-264-7793 y Email y Order Online at Web Store I-7 New Style Top Model Specimen Lab Dewar Lid........................................... 28A-5 NGV Global Valve Series Alternate Energy NGV, NGVHM & NGRPV Series Valves .............................. 34A 36-37 Nipples Hose – Inert Gas ....................................... 21C 22-24 Hose - “A”, “B”, “C” & “D” Sizes ........... 21C 13-14 Manifold, Countersunk, Brass & Stainless. 21C-4, 28 Regulator Inlet, CGA – Brass, Stainless & Chrome ...................... 21C-4, 28 Regulator Outlet, “A”, “B”, “C” & “D” Hose .................... 21C-14 Union Nipples – Manifold......................... 21C-43 Nipples with Check Valves.......................... 21A-2 Nitrile Powder-Free Purple Exam Gloves..... 32A-3 Nitrogen Beer Regulators............................ 40A-25 Noise Reducing Vent................................... 13A-5 Non-Sparking Tools..................................... 19B-4 Nuts Adaptor – Regulator End, CGA – Brass & Chrome ...................................... 21C 39-40 Adaptor – Regulator End, CGA – Stainless. 21C-5 Hand Tight Manifold Assembly Parts........ 21C-32 Hose – Argon & Inert Gas......................... 21C-22 Hose – Oxygen & Fuel Gas – “A”, “B”, “C” & “D” Sizes .................... 21C-13 Manifold Pipe – Brass............................... 21C-43 Regulator Inlet, CGA – Brass .................... 21C 25-28 Regulator Inlet, CGA – Stainless............... 21C-4 – O – Online Training Classes – In House Maintenance for DOT-4L Liquid Cylinders ........................................29B-6 OSHA Signs Caution..................................................... 8A 20-25 Danger...................................................... 8A 9-19 Health and Safety ..................................... 8A-31 Notice ....................................................... 8A 28-30 Warning.................................................... 8A 26-27 Oxygen CGA 540 & 870 Fittings Hand Tight & Yoke Connections................ 21A-4 Oxygen Cylinder Transfill Systems & Transfill Accessories................. 11A-2 Oxygen Cylinder Wrench............................. 21B-6 OxyTOTE NG .............................................. 11A 12 -14 OxyTOTE Dust Cover Caps .......................... 11A-14 OxyTOTE NG Portable Oxygen System........ 11A-13 OxyTOTE NG Replacement Parts................. 11A-14 Oxygen Regulator on Aluminum Cylinders.. 11A 12-13 – P – PTFE Paste, PTFE Tape & PTFE Green Oxygen Tape............................................. 33A-3 Padlocks Accessories Group Lock Box......................................... 38A-8 Magnetic Lockout Signs ............................ 38A-8 Self-Sticking Vinyl...................................... 38A-8 Padlocks & Key Storage Systems................. 38A-12 Paint Ball 2 Lever Fill Station ...................... 5A-8 Pallet Base for 450-liter TW Micro Bulk Tanks ................................ 29A-8 Pallets Heavy-duty Movable Cylinder Pallets........ 18A-8 Pallet Style Straps ..................................... 18A-8 Palletize Your Operation........................... 18A-8 Paste, Grease, Paste Joint, Thread Sealer LOX-8 Paste and Grease ........................... 33A-3 OC Five Paste............................................ 33A-8 OC Seven Grease ...................................... 33A-8 OC Three PTFE Paste Joint & Thread Sealer 33A-8 Green Oxygen PTFE Threaded Seal Tape... 33A-3 PTFE Paste ................................................ 33A-3 PTFE Tape ................................................. 33A-3 Phase Separators/Diffusers ......................... 19A 2-3 Pigtail Assemblies Brass & Copper ......................................... 21C 36-37 Stainless Steel, Rigid................................. 21C-30 Pigtails – Medical Manifold Replacement Pigtails.................. 21B-4 Rigid Copper Pigtails................................. 21B-4 Stainless Steel Flexible Pigtails.................. 21B-4 Pin Indexed Yokes for all Gases.................. 21B-7 Pipe-away Adapter Option.......................... 29G-3 Pipe and Valve Markers .............................. 8A 34-39 Pipe Extension Heat Sink........................ 20A 12-13, 28 Pipe Marker Directional Arrows .................................... 8A-35 Electrical Markers ..................................... 8A-38 Gas Pipe Markers...................................... 8A 35-36 Perforated Roll Pipe Markers .................... 8A 37-38 Pipe Thread Fittings 316 Stainless Steel Pipe Thread Fittings 6000 PSIG................................................ 21A-7 Brass & Stainless Steel.............................. 21C 20-21 Hose Adapters .......................................... 21C-16 Small Brass Pipe Thread Fittings 3000 PSIG................................................ 21A-6 Placard Products NFPA Color Diamonds for Placards........... 8A-44 NFPA Diamond Placards ........................... 8A 42-22 Placard Holders......................................... 8A-40 Shipping & Transportation Hazmat Custom Placards ..................................... 8A-41 Placard Systems for Trucks.......................... 8A 40-42 Placard Systems.......................................... 18A-9 Placard Holders (Stainless Steel Clips) ........ 18A-9 Placard – Removable Vinyl ......................... 18A-9 Placard – Hazmat ....................................... 18A-10 Plasticized Coating for Medical Racks......... 17A-2 Plier – Retaining Ring ................................. 5A-3 Plug with Chain for Female Puritan Bennett Style Fill Adapter ......................... 19A-16 Plugs Plug & Chain, CGA & Hose............... 21C 34-35 Pneumatically Actuated High Pressure Gas Control Valve High Pressure Gas Control Valve Series MVA ............................................. 35B 10-11 Pop Stop Option for Pressure Relief............ 29G-3 Portable Cylinder Roller .............................. 12A-7 Portable Helium Transfiller.......................... 4A-3 Post Sintered PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Pigtails JIC Ends 3,600 PSIG MAWP.................................. 20A-9 Post Sintered PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Pigtails 3,600 PSIG MAWP Inert .......................... 20A-11 3,600 PSIG MAWP Oxygen...................... 20A-13 Post Sintered Tethered PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Pigtails 3,600 PSIG MAWP................................... 20A-5 Pouches – Cylinder & Liquid Cylinder ......... 10A 17-18 Powder Coated Paints for Cradles .............. 16A 3-4 Power Tool Attachment for Valves – Valve Closing Tool .................................... 12A-5 Pre-printed Cylinder Storage Signs.............. 6A 12&15 Pre-printed Ring Tags ................................. 6A 8-9 Pre-printed Specialty Tags........................... 6A-14 Pre-printed Status Tags............................... 6A 3-7 Pressure Build Electric Vaporizers ............... 39A-12 Pressure Building Model Vaporizers............ 39A-9 Pressure Checker for Bench Manifold ......... 29B-5 Pressure Gauges....................................... 29B-8, 13-16 Pressure Relief Candy Cane & T.................. 19A-15 Pressure Relief I.D. Disk .............................. 29B-17 Pressure Relief Labels ................................. 29E-5 Pressure Reliefs........................................... 29B 13-16 Pressure Switches ....................................... 23A-18 Propane & Acetylene Fittings – CGA 510 Hand Tight & Yoke Connections................ 21A-4 Propane & Acetylene Valve Plugs ............... 3A-3 Propane Cages, Carts & Racks.................... 3A 7-8 Propane Cylinders – Forklift / Portable Aluminum for LPG..................................... 3A-10, 12 Fuel Gas.................................................... 3A-9 Stainless Steel for LPG .............................. 3A 11-12 Propane Cylinder Wrap Pre-printed ............ 3A-2 Propane Forklift Racks ................................ 3A-7 Propane Labels Add On Labels........................................... 3A 4-5 Custom Print Shoulder Labels ................... 3A-5 Liquid Petroleum, Welding Labels............. 3A 4-5 Propane / LPG Transfer Hose – UL® 21...... 3A-6 Propane Protective Caps............................. 3A 2-3 Propane Shrink Wrap.................................. 3A-2 Propane Tank Storage Options ................... 3A 7-8 Propane Torch Superfire Air/Propane Torch . 21C-36 PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Pigtails Acetylene Pigtails w/Conductive Liner 3,000 PSIG MAWP.................................. 20A-14 PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Pigtails 3,000 PSIG MAWP..................................... 20A-6 6,000 PSIG MAWP..................................... 20A-15 PTFE Lined Stainless Steel Braided Inert 580 3,000 PSIG MAWP.................... 20A-10 Oxygen 540 3,000 PSIG MAWP ............... 20A-12 PTFE Seals for CO2...................................... 5A-3 Pump for CO2 ............................................. 5A-10 RMI® Parts for Puritan Bennett Companion,® Mark,® & Caire® Equipment ................................... 29J-2 Puritan Bennett Fill Adapter Assembly Complete Unit......................................... 29J-2 Puritan Bennett Fill Adapter Seal................ 29J-2 RMI® Parts for Puritan Bennett In-Line Fill Head 29J-2 Puritan Bennett Replacement Coupler........ 29J-2 Puritan Bennett Style Fill Adapter Plug with Chain for Female....................... 29J-2 Purple Nitrile Powder-Free Exam Gloves..... 32A-3 Push-In Tube Fittings .................................. 40A-14, 17 – Q – Quick Connect Couplers.............................. 19A-16 Quick Connection Tool for Specialty Fas Filling................................... 14A-3 Quick Connectors – Medical Chemetron ............................................... 21B-9 Ohmeda..................................................... 21B-9 Puritan....................................................... 21B-10 Oxequip..................................................... 21B-10 Quick Connectors Regulator & Torch ......... 21C-15 Quick Fill CO2 Connector ........................... 5A-8 Seals & Replacement Parts for CO2 ......... 5A-8 Quick Turn Medical Valve Socket Only........ 11A-15 – R – Rear Mount Pressure Gauges...................... 25A-2 Replacement Lens..................................... 25A-2 Rebuild Kit for Cryogenic Dewar Valves...... 29B-7 Recertify Your Temp Gauge ........................ 25A-13 Recertifying Temperature Gauges............... 25A 12&13 Regulator Rebuild Kits for Cryogenic Dewar Valves ........................... 29B-7
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